President (2022-2024)
Playground Safety Association of Malaysia (PSAM)
Playground Standards Review Committee for MS 966 & 2665 (Part 1&2) NSC 6/TC24/WG1
Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM)
Deputy Chairman (2022-2024)
Persatuan Alumni Perbadanan Putrajaya
Putrajaya Corporation, Putrajaya, Malaysia
CPSI Certification Committee Member (2022-2025)
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), Ashburn, Virginia, USA
ISO Technical Committee Member & Country Representative for Malaysia TC83 Sports and Recreational Facilities and Equipment
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland
National Standards Committee Member
NSC 06/TC24 Mechanical Safety and Consumer Use
Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM)
Director of Parks & Recreation (Retired)
Putrajaya Corporation, Putrajaya, Malaysia
LAr Noriah is one of the founders of Playground Safety Association of Malaysia in 2013. Serving as Honorary Secretary for the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia for many years, Noriah is passionate with the advancement of the professions within landscape architecture and the various specialist body of knowledge that is embodied within the realm of planning, design and development of the environment, may it be natural or urban in nature. As part of her tasks of approving landscape development plans for Putrajaya development while serving the Putrajaya Corporation's Landscape Planning & Control Division, the quest for compliance to safety standards in design of landscape facilities has led to the adoption of Playground Safety expert body of knowledge together with a group of ardent founder members of PSAM.
Noriah has been instrumental in the development of Malaysian Standards for Playground equipment safety standards MS 966:2017 Playground Equipment, and the introduction of the Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course and Examination conducted by the International Playground Safety Institute (IPSI) for the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). The Course had been organized by PSAM starting in 2017 and had certified more than 60 Certified Playground Safety Inspectors since 2012.
Being at the helm of PSAM and having served DSM, NRPA and ISO as well as supported by a strong and experienced team of Committee Members whom are certified playground safety in the PSAM Council, the President is calling for a greater participation from all members to serve on the various working committees. Your Participation is very important for the establishment of Malaysian certified playground safety inspector professional certification programs as well as other events and activities for the advancement of the playground industry in Malaysia.
President (2022-2024)
Playground Safety Association of Malaysia (PSAM)