President's Message
First, allow me to thank you all for this opportunity to serve as PSAM's President for the 2022-2024 term of office. The world currently is facing a very challenging time with an economic down turn exacerbated by Covid 19 pandemic that has impacted all of us in many ways in the past years. I hope this year we are going to spring back and together we shall regain our momentum in continuing forward with positive changes.
It is with anticipation, as your newly elected president, that I am looking forward to working with you to establish the Malaysian Certified Playground Safety Inspector Program and continue the ongoing playground safety awareness campaign with local governments and partners.
Your participation is most welcome in PASM's many activities. Please do not hesitate to let us know where your interests lie. Areas in which we could desperately use your help are in standards writing, corporate communication, technical services, training and education, membership drive and involvement with various consultations and collaboration projects. Your new Council is looking forward to your support.
As another chapter begins for 2022-2024, there will be many expected and unexpected challenges coming our way. We hope to meet you all at our "One-Hour-A-Week Committee Meet-on-line" with your Head of Working Committee (HOC) and all members are welcome to participate. Check with the PSAM Secretariat office for dates. times and link for you to join our working committee.
We are ready and willing to face those challenges and may be calling upon you for your help. Looking forward to a successful and satisfying year.
Warm regards,
LAr. Noriah Mat, CA, CPSI President,